Project Description
Architecture studies , structure calculations , structure plans, supervisions of construction works.
Year: 2006 Price (USD) : 208,400
Services By Engineers
- supervise and inspect ongoing works.
- monitor construction schedules and draft responses to contractors.
- perform technical reviews of construction, contractors submittals, shop drawings, Mockups.
- support consultancy services to the projected director.
Services By Architect
- Preparation of outline, scheme and final designs
- preparation of working drawings & technical specifications
- coordinating and monitoring all design activities
- supervision of the preparation of work packages for construction
- preparation of contracts and tender process
- negotiating contracts with local consultants and contractors
- analysing and evaluating contractor estimates and material quality control
- monitoring technical and contractual procedures for all works
- administration of the contract , monitoring progress on the site , quality control and reporting
on progress of work - coordination of contractors activities and assistance with programming
Services By Topographe
- Identification of boundary limits.
- Topographic plan.