CORE CONSULT S.P.R.L. is a firm of engineering professionals that is located in Bujumbura, Burundi.  We specialize in the engineering design of projects and infrastructure.

The firm has resources (staff) that can handle almost any project envisaged.  It also deals with associate professionals with specific expertise in specialized fields to handle unique problems that may arise.

Further to this, we have established advantageous associations with other architectural and engineering companies like M/s Proman Consult, M/s Ngasi C.E, and Maestro architects Ltd and d’ARC Group (U) Limited which affords our clients a vast experience in the development of construction projects.

Core Consult operates in the Republic of Uganda under the registered name Eroc Consult.



  • Individuals undertaking any constructions or rehabilitations
  • Companies and businesses not connected to government, implementing investment or maintenance programmes.
  • Companies and individuals whose business involves managing networks e.g. mobile communication companies, companies carrying out retailing of petroleum products etc.


  • Government implementing poverty eradication, education, health, agricultural and social action programmes.
  • Institutions such as schools, hospitals, religious organisations that would carry out construction/rehabilitation projects or community based programmes
  • NGOs that carry our community and social based programmes and projects.
  • Aid agencies that would require proper implementation of programmes that they fund, and/or specialised skills in follow up, accountability and monitoring.
  • Utility companies requiring to rehabilitate or expand/augment their distribution networks.

People Are Our Assets

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